Wendy James rocked the house with her band Racine. What I'd thought would be an electronica concert turned out to be all about pure rock 'n' roll. Wendy still looks and sounds her fantastic beautiful charismatic self and even picks up the guitar from time to time to further rock the house.
The audience this night at Stengade 30 could have been better and bigger and I wasn't too impressed. If this is all Copenhagen can do then it's nothing to be proud of.
I really don't have a clue what songs the band played since I don't own any Racine CDs and I only know what I've heard from their website, but I liked what I heard and the question remains: when the hell will my Racine CD show up in my snail-mailbox? It's been 3 weeks already, grrrrr.
Wendy and her boys were really friendly and they seemed to enjoy themselves both on and off stage. I never got to see Transvision Vamp in the days of way back but instead I met Wendy and her Racines in 2007, and I'm really glad I did.
Racine links:
And you should give the song "I'm Freaking Out" a listen. It is pretty cool. High on my playlist right now.
Band: Wendy James
Venue: Stengade 30, Copenhagen, DK
Concert Date: 2007-04-27
Content Type: Concert Review
Updated: 2007-05-04 09:12
Created: 2007-04-28 16:58