So now all the hypocrites won their insane and most unfair witch trial against the yellow jersey in the Tour de France 2007 - Denmark's Michael Rasmussen. I hope that especially the danish journalists (Danmarks Radio's Niels Christian Jung in particular), Jesper Worre and the rest of DCU are proud of themselves for leaking confidential information to the world press about the best rider in danish cycling. It seems very fair (NOT) that only Rasmussen's whereabouts has been known to the press, while the information for all other riders is still protected. It has not been proved in any way that Rasmussen has been using doping. The problem with his warnings (for not informing correctly/in time about his whereabouts) was well known before The Tour started, and nobody did anything until Rasmussen was leading the race. The fact that Rasmussen has been sacked from Rabobank and pulled from The Tour based on rumours and for not telling the whole truth is simply ridiculous and will hopefully backfire at the Tour de France association who has been pulling the strings behind the scenes of this scandal. If you're not french or do the french ass kissing then they don't want you to win. It's as simple as that.Now Team Discovery Channel's Alberto Contador will take over the yellow jersey and he will certainly fit it very well? A man who has been connected with the doping scandal in Spain. I guess the journalists will be busy now with questioning the new leader?By pulling Rasmussen from The Tour his team Rabobank and the Tour de France association has killed any interest I had and may ever get in this french excuse for a sporting event. I won't ever watch it again and I would advice the danish TV2 to stop their transmission immediately. A nice move that would be indeed. Let the french keep all things french to themselves. A frog is a frog is a leapfrog is an arrogant french wanker.Oh, and by the way, remember to boycot Post Danmark Rundt which will take place in August. DCU deserves to see their main event taking place with no fans at all watching it. Fuck them all! Pathetic hypocrites.Don't forget to read my angry and not so happy post about Bjarne Riis and all that...
Content Type: Sports Comment
Updated: 2007-07-28 12:52
Created: 2007-07-26 11:16