So here are the 5 best music albums of 2015, chosen by yours truly. I don't really care if you disagree. That would only make you wrong. Marilyn Manson :
The Pale Emperor
almost made the list, but #6 was not close enough.
Miley Cyrus : Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz [6/6]
If anybody doubted that Miley has an enormous musical potential, they should be shot/shut down by this album. It is simply the best "pop" album in several years. There are no limits on this album, which Miley did with The Flaming Lips. 92 minutes runtime is perhaps a bit too long, but it is easily forgiven, when you find all the gems within. Truly amazing. Fuck the haters!
The Montecristos - Born to Rock 'n' Roll [6/6]
Yeah, I know I'm a total hardcore Sigue Sigue Sputnik follower, but I really like what Neal X (ex Sputnik guitarist) had/has going here. His rockabilly, surf, glam and rock'n'roll stun-guitar band, sounds really great and the Sputnik covers are great. The girls on bass and horns made it look good too. This is good music that make you happy.
Motörhead : Bad Magic [5/6]
Lemmy is back at full speed, well almost. The previous album "Aftershock" was rather unsatisfying, because of Lemmy's condition, but "Bad Magic" more than proves that there is still a lot of rock'n'roll left in Dr. Rock. This is a great album from beginning to end, the production is so-so, but the music and energy more than makes up for it.
Hollywood Vampires : Hollywood Vampires [5/6]
Alice Cooper and friends did this tribute to Alice's old drinking club. Most of it's members are dead now. They drank themselves to death. Alice is still very much around though, and so is the music. This album is a great trip back in time.
Prince : HITNRUN Phase Two [5/6]
Phase One, released a few months earlier, was a low point with too much Joshua produced crap. Phase Two, is a return to the pure Prince sound and a very nice, if short little album. Prince is quite active (even if he dropped his European tour) and a lot of his newer output is very enjoyable.
Content Type: Music Comment
Updated: 2015-12-23 20:00
Created: 2015-12-23 19:39