Great little album by Sune and Sharin. It only runs for 31:20 but it's a very pleasant and enjoyable listen indeed. It is nowhere as dark as their last album "Raven In The Grave". This time it is more trademark Raveonettes with a light and open sound that almost floats around the room when you listen to it.
If you have heard the first single "She Owns The Streets" you already know what it sounds like. It's not like they've made the same song in 9 different versions, but the album is so incredibly consistent that it all melts together, but in a very good way.
I'm looking forward to their gig here in Copenhagen next Friday and with their last two records and their back catalogue in mind, it is definitely going to be another great gig. Rave on!
Band: The Raveonettes
Record Title: Observator
This Release: 2012
Record Format: CD
Record Label: Beat Dies
Content Type: Record Review
Updated: 2012-10-19 15:54
Created: 2012-10-19 15:42