So for this Fast & Furious 8 movie, what if the evil cyber-criminals Aileen Wuornos and Tormund Giantsbane will force Riddick to betray his FAMILIA, and Riddick's beloved team will have to do their very best to try to stop the criminals from using a military EMP device to steal a Russian submarine complete with nuclear missiles and launch codes?
Sounds tough perhaps, but Sarge, Rain, Missandei, MacReady, Jason Statham himself and many more, are all more than ready to do their very best to save the World and Riddick and little baby Brian (yes, everybody had guessed the name from the first second we saw the baby) from evil.
The plot, the dialogue and basically everything else is just an excuse to blow up stuff and race cars. You know that and I knew that before I went and saw the movie. If you just leave your brain at home - and you better, because it will take heavy damage if you use it too much in combination with this movie - then it is all quite entertaining. Very stupid and very ridiculous, but still entertaining.
Should they stop now? Hell yeah, they should have stopped several movies ago. But they won't. So I guess we'll just have to live with it. I bet Fast & Furious 9 will be a movie about racing cars, la familia and lots of explosions. I Hope I didn't spoil it for you.
Movie Title: The Fate of the Furious (2D)
Director: F. Gary Gray
This Release: 2017
Genre: Action
RunTime: 136
Actors: Vin Diesel, Jason Statham
Movie Format: Cinema
Content Type: Movie Review
Updated: 2017-04-23 19:18
Created: 2017-04-23 19:11