16 years of waiting, 16 broken promises, 16 delays. The Dark Trilogy has finally been made complete. In my opinion "Bloodflowers" [2000] was never really worthy to be included. "Songs Of A Lost World" now takes the final spot after "Pornography" [1982] and "Disintegration" [1989]. The new album is a dark massive piece of perfection.
The "Songs Of A Lost World" album is very consistent. Something you couldn't say about the previous patchwork album "4:13 Dream" [2008]. I liked that album quite a bit despite the questionable production quality, but the new album is something all together different.
All of the new songs melt together and becomes one connected experience. The lyrics are super dark. It's about becoming old(er), and the loneliness, emptiness and hopelessness of watching the World fall apart and go to shit around you. Everyone eventually dies and becomes nothing in the end.
First song and first online single "Alone" begins the doom party in style.
"Hopes and Dreams are gone
The End of every Song"
Every single song from beginning to end follows that mood, theme and feeling, all the way to the last song "End Song".
"No I Don't belong here any more
It's all gone"
"Left alone with nothing
The End of every Song"
I think "Warsong" is the weakest of the lot, but it's only because the other songs are better. Robert Smith gets emotional in the song "I Can Never Say Goodbye" that deals with the death of his brother. "Something wicked this way comes". We all die. "And Nothing Is Forever" is accepting the fact that we are getting old and there is really nothing we can do about it.
There is not a single happy song on the album. There is nothing that sounds like a hit. There is really nothing here for the casual "Friday I'm In Love" fan. Most songs have long instrumental parts and this is certainly not 3 minutes radio-friendly songs. This is only for the hard-core The Cure aficionados that can't really enjoy anything that isn't dark as fuck. This is everything I could have hoped for.
The Cure remains at the very top of bands I still really care for. They are better than ever live and Robert Smith remains an unchanged icon in this lost World and a person of great integrity fighting the bastards at Ticketmaster. He is also very witty under the dark clouds and who doesn't remember his hilarious reply at The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction in 2019:
"Are you as Excited as I am?!
By the sounds of it, No."
If only perhaps they have one more album left in them? I sure hope so. 2 songs previously played live "It Can Never Be The Same" and "Step Into The Light" remains unreleased in studio versions. Maybe they'll fit in on a future album? Please don't make us wait another 16 years in this cold and empty World of nothing.
Band: The Cure
Record Title: Songs Of A Lost World
This Release: 2024
RunTime: 49
Record Format: LP
Record Label: Fiction
Extra Info:
I bought the black vinyl LP and the 2LP half-speed master. They sound exactly the same to me. The 2LP also runs at 33 RPM which makes no sense, since 45 RPM likely would have improved the sound quality. All you get with the 2LP is the annoyance of having to flip the record constantly, and you also get a poster of the album cover image. The general sound quality of the LPs is not particularly good. The CD sounds a lot better than the LPs, I guess the mastering of the LPs is fucked up or the "eco-vinyl" is crap.
If you are more of the digital type then the 3-disk CD also has a Blu-ray included that offers hi-resolution sound. A Super-Audio CD would of course have been a much better option. I wouldn't mind a Mini-Disc release either.
- Alone
- And Nothing Is Forever
- A Fragile Thing
- Warsong
- Drone : Nodrone
- I Can Never Say Goodbye
- All I Ever Am
- Endsong
Content Type: Record Review
Updated: 2024-11-03 13:46
Created: 2024-11-03 08:43