Sputnik2 vs. the Sound Engineers
I went to this gig with a massive hang-over. I was really worried if I would be able to enjoy anything and just get slightly in a party mode. I went into the World's End pub without being able to focus and I didn't notice Martin, Mixi and Samantha until Mixi found me. Mixi bought me a beer and I would like to thank her for repeating, translating, and rephrasing many a sentence for my non-working brain that Sunday. After a little while Martin, Sam and Mixi had to go and change outfits for the upcoming gig. It probably takes quite a while to turn Martin into his on-stage impressive self. :)
A bit later I went to The Underworld venue. Finally began to feel a bit better (after several liters of Bacardi Breezer) and as more people had showed up it was time for the first support act. And a blast it was. Nothing less. Cantankerous all dressed in masks and wearing Celtics uniforms. A bass player having a handbag swaying from her arm during the entire gig and the lead singer being totally aggressive singing lines like 'I shove my nigger loving pussy in your inbred mouth.' How can you avoid falling in love with a band fronted by 2 amazing masked girls like that. Let's not forget that they got the phattest groove that was also fueled by a cello player. After the concert they handed out CDs for free and I think my copy will stay in my CD player for several weeks.
The flyer said Atomizer vs. Cantankerous. Between those to support acts there was no contest. Cantankerous won 10 to 0.
After the 2 support acts it was time for Sputnik2 to enter the stage. Martin had a brand new band with Tim on real electronic drums, ooh ahh it's Nogg's guitar, Paul on bass and the always lovely Samantha doing some sexy dancing with and without a devil mask. Martin looked fantastic with his fright wig and fishnet and let it be noted: This is the best version of Sputnik2. The 2 guitarists were really into it, they knew the songs well and several tracks were VERY live indeed. I can't really figure out why Tony never picked up a real bass during all this time. It sounds so much better.
The band had some real attitude. They looked and sounded great together on stage. I really really hope they'll stay together. I had a long talk with Nogg after the gig and he suggested that they skip using the backing tracks and go all live. They just need to get Martin in on the idea. I hope they go down this road. I think the result could be the best sounding live Sputnik ever.
Unfortunately the sound engineers were really giving the band serious problems. Apparently the sound on stage from the monitors were a complete mess leaving it close to impossible for the band to hear what they were playing and causing a lot of frustration. Martin was furious with good reason and had to restart WW4 several times. I don't think it ever got any better but the band put on their professional faces and finished the setlist. The thing is that even though it sounded awful in the stage monitors - the result on our side - the audience side - was very good and also quite loud. I was afraid I had lost my hearing on the left ear at one point. Despite the problems with the sound in the stage monitors nothing could hide that this is the best sounding, the tightest and the best looking Sputnik2 so far. Think I want to repeat myself: Keep this band together Martin! It is excellent.
The flyer said Sheep on Drugs vs. Sputnik2. Well, after hearing 3 or 4 of the S.O.D. songs I must say they never convinced me that they were even a band. Again we have a very clear winner on knock-out: Sputnik2.
Thanks to everybody I met both new and old faces. I hope to meet many of you again at a Sputnik2 gig. Actually I can't wait to hear this version of Sputnik2 at a gig with professional people behind the mixing desk and with even more real live tracks. And maybe even some completely new tunes. Martin revealed that he is working on them at the moment. See you all soon!
Band: Martin Degville (Sputnik2)
Venue: The Underworld, London, UK
Concert Date: 2006-03-12
Musicians: Martin Degville, Nogg (Sputnik2), Paul (Sputnik2), Tim the Mentalman (Sputnik2)
Support Bands: Atomizer, Cantankerous, Sheep on Drugs
- 21st century boy,
- psykodelik,
- king of rock'n'roll,
- world war 4,
- alien christ,
- don't dabble with the devil,
- nuclear powered sex machine,
- jayne mansfield.
- Encore: personality crisis,
- love missile f1-11
Content Type: Concert Review
Updated: 2006-03-12 00:00
Created: 2022-10-20 18:55