Sputnik2 rocks Stourbridge!
This gig took place in the middle of nowhere. It wasn't that difficult to find the place but I must admit it was a bit of a journey starting from Copenhagen in the morning and arriving in Stourbridge around 17:00 English time.
Anyway, The Rock Café 2000 turned out to be an OK place and I found some well-known faces in Mixi behind the t-shirt stand and her husband. I also met Zard Sputnik there, and several others that I have simply forgotten the names of. Shame on me. I then got introduced to the new band that had changed considerably since I saw them last time in 2004.
The Sputnik2s were doing their sound check and it soon became clear that a technical problem with a skippy cd would haunt the gig from time to time. The support band played some straight punk and I kinda liked them. It seemed that approximately everybody else didn't.
The Sputnik2s took the stage and delivered a fine performance. The atmosphere was not overwhelming since the turn-up wasn't quite as good as one could have hoped for. This also seemed to be a problem for Sputnik(Degz,X,James) from time to time when playing outside London, so I guess that's just how it is. On the other hand a smaller gig and a smaller audience makes a more intimate atmosphere so it isn't a bad thing as such.
The band played a fine gig and especially Stevey did a fine job on the bass. Highlights of the gig was probably "Dabble", "Jayne Mansfield" and a totally awesome cover of Bowie's "Rebel Rebel". Degz was wearing his leopard jacket and fishnets and fright wig. Fantastic to see the fishnets back! He is the ultimate performer. No doubt about it.
After the gig, Martin was presented with a birthday present from Mixi and friends and it was some sort of a personal (Sputnik) star for the biggest star of them all. The Café closed rather early so it was time to head back to the hotel, get some sleep and prepare for the journey back to London in the morning. After all another Sputnik2 gig was waiting there.
Band: Martin Degville (Sputnik2)
Venue: The Rock Café, Stourbridge, UK
Concert Date: 2005-01-28
Musicians: Martin Degville, Stevey (Sputnik2), Mark Standley (Sputnik2), Steve (Sputnik2), Andy (Sputnik2)
- Rockit miss usa,
- psykodelik,
- 21st century boy,
- slag in the back of my cadilak,
- world war 4,
- nuclear powered sex machine,
- dancerama,
- king of rock'n'roll,
- trouble (elvis),
- jayne mansfield,
- don't dabble with the devil
- rebel rebel (bowie),
- love missile f1-11
Content Type: Concert Review
Updated: 2005-01-28 00:00
Created: 2022-10-20 18:44