Sputnik2 blows Highbury away!
Back in London (returned from Stourbridge) the gig took place at a familiar place: The Garage. Here I'd seen Sputnik(Degz, X, James) back in 2001. I remembered it as a great place for Sput-shows and guess what? I remembered correctly!
The pre-gig warm-up was in a bar that had changed it's name making it hard to find. Furthermore it seemed that Arsenal fans had taken control over the bar and the area. After all it was Highbury. So off to the gig.
The place slowly filled as the various support acts finished whatever they were doing. I wasn't particularly happy with any of them - but hey - that left me more time for drinking and meeting new and old Sputnik fans. I won't get into whom exactly as I like always can't remember all of the names and don't want to forget anybody. So hi to all you fantastic people I met!!! You know who you are!
We tried desperately to eye one Ray Mayhew that was to appear with Sputnik but he never showed his face until the Sputnik2s had entered the stage. Let me make this clear from the beginning: they played one hell of a show. One of the best I've seen in a long time.
As special happenings they had the lovely and super-sexy dancer Samantha on stage several times. Then Mark Massive Ego from support-act Mechanical Cabaret did the vocals for Duran Duran's "Planet Earth". And most importantly Ray Mayhew played the drums like back in the good old days. First time ever I've seen Sputnik/Sputnik2 with a live drummer and I hope it won't be the last time.
Again Martin wore his fishnets facemask and fright wig and the leopard jacket. Martin and Sam looked simply amazing on stage. Well just check out my photos if you don't believe me! This has got to be one of the best and most action packed Sputnik shows I've seen.
I won't say that X and James are not missed in the band. On the other hand this is a completely new lineup and the sound is fresh and new. Stevey, Mark and Andy (and for this show Mark 2) did a wonderful job backing Martin. When the new members gets some more time to become a real group then they will kick ass. Well they already do so they will kick even more ass by then!
After the show we had the pleasure of talking to Ray and Martin, Stevey and the others, had pictures taken, autographs written and whatever. Even had one of Ray's well-beaten drumsticks signed by him. One hell of a nice "madman" if you ask me!
Some time later we joined the afterparty just around the corner in the Upstairs club right next to The Garage. So it was one tired not-so-young-anymore man that went to bed that night and almost overslept the next morning when he had to wake up for the trip back home to Copenhagen.
What a fantastic weekend!! I hope it won't be long before I'll get a chance to repeat it. Keep it up Sputnik2. YOU FUCKING ROCK!
Band: Martin Degville (Sputnik2)
Venue: The Garage, London, UK
Concert Date: 2005-01-29
Musicians: Martin Degville, Ray Mayhew, Stevey (Sputnik2), Mark Standley (Sputnik2), Andy (Sputnik2), Mark Massive Ego
Support Band: Mechanical Cabaret
- rockit miss usa,
- psykodelik,
- 21st century boy,
- slag in the back of my cadilak,
- world war 4,
- nuclear powered sex machine,
- planet earth (duran duran) (mark massive ego),
- dancerama,
- king of rock'n'roll,
- trouble (elvis),
- jayne mansfield,
- don't dabble with the devil
Content Type: Concert Review
Updated: 2005-01-29 00:00
Created: 2022-10-20 18:49