Sputnik2 - The future. They ROCK!
Tony And Neal better watch out. They have just gotten some serious competition. Sputnik2 (that is Martin and his new band Nino and Baz) pulled off a rather superb gig in Soho. And if you also consider that this was their first gig together I can certainly see some potential for improvement. This may very well be the real future of Sputnik. Sputnik may not be dead...but Sputnik2 is certainly alive!!
* Sputnik2 musicians Nino and Baz's have their own band "Dead Heaven"
Band: Martin Degville (Sputnik2)
Venue: Madame JoJo's, London, UK
Concert Date: 2004-08-26
Musicians: Martin Degville, Nino (Dead Heaven), Baz (Dead Heaven)
Support Bands: New Skin, Faetal
- Psykodelic,
- 21st Century Boy,
- World War 4,
- Jayne Mansfield,
- Atari Baby,
- Don't Dabble With The Devil,
- Slag (In The Back Of My Cadilak),
- Love Missile F1-11
Content Type: Concert Review
Updated: 2004-08-26 00:00
Created: 2022-10-20 18:41