Danish black metal rockers SLÆGT were on fire and ready to flaunt their brand new album in all it's live glory ahead of their upcoming European tour. I met band members Oskar and Anders at the merch stand and they told me the secret plan was to play the entire album from beginning to end. Plans are one thing though, sometimes annoying things like real life interferes though.
First we had to endure 2 support gigs to get to the cream of the evening. Both support bands kinda sucked in my humble opinion. The second band (Demon Head) sucked worse than the first (Gabestok.) There were lots of younger people in the crowd though. Maybe they could hear something I couldn't in those bands?
At 22+ hours the main gig began. SLÆGT were about to unleash their "Goddess" album upon us. Surprisingly they attacked us with a few classics first. We got "Beautiful and Damned", "Domus Mysterium", "The Wheel" with the best live sound I have EVER heard from Slægt. I have heard the band many times but finally I got to hear them as they deserve to sound. They sounded Beautiful. And Damned?
At this point they went into the planned "Goddess" rendition from beginning to end and then suddenly drummer Adam kinda collapsed. For people who doesn't know Slægt this doesn't say much but be aware that Adam is a fucking nuclear explosion behind his drumkit. He is a sight to see and hear live. He kinda ran all out of battery. They excused and took a break. More than a few in the crowd ran away, thinking this was it. No more rock n roll tonight?
Wrong they were. Slægt DID come back and while they cut the setlist shorter and only played selected songs from the new album, the band rocked as hell and so did Adam through all of this chaos thanks to his bottle of Coca-Cola. It seems that the European tour is still on the right track. Europe deserves to hear this excellent band live. Slægt is fucking awesome!!
What a chaotic and great evening of black metal and evil rock n roll in Copenhagen. You should have been there! We had a Beautiful and Damned evening with Slægt's Goddess.
Band: Slægt
Venue: Stairway, Copenhagen, DK
Concert Date: 2022-03-31
Support Bands: Demon Head, Gabestok
Ticket Price (DKK): 137
Ticket Provider: livebackend.com
Content Type: Concert Review
Updated: 2022-04-01 01:39
Created: 2022-04-01 01:12