UPDATE: Get the lyrics here as a PDF file. You'll need Adobe Reader to view them.
It seems to have pissed off a few record label executives and music chains that Prince has been giving away his new album for free. I wish Prince had been a little pissed off when he wrote, played and especially produced it. It is a bit too cute and soft for my taste.
It starts off with the title track "Planet Earth" that is an ok but not too special piano driven track with some nice guitar work in the end. "Guitar" is a great track that was already released earlier this year on Prince's 3121 website in a different version. The album version is however better than the previous one and probably the best track on the album and the most obvious hit single. "Somewhere Here On Earth" is a ballad that has been produced to sound like an old vinyl record and it works pretty well with trumpet and all. "The One U Wanna C" is an up tempo thing with a catchy guitar. "Future Baby Mama" has a lame title and is somewhat boring. "Mr. Goodnight" is catchy enough but Prince could write 1000 of these songs in one week. "All The Midnights In The World" is plain filler. "Chelsea Rodgers" is a superfunky track that somehow in a strange way reminds me a bit of "Strange Relationship", although I'm not really sure why. Together with "Guitar" this is the best track on the album. I'm sure it must be awesome live. "Lion of Judah" is a nice little track while "Resolution" - last track on the album - is a pretty lame and not very interesting anti-war song with lyrics that could have been written by a naive 11 year old.
All in all the new album is on par with "Musicology" and "3121" without being either worse or better. It has 2 super nice tracks in "Guitar" and "Chelsea Rodgers". "The One U Wanna C" also seems somewhat promising. To be honest, most of the rest will soon be forgotten about.
It remains a fact that Prince hasn't released a really great album since 1995's "The Gold Experience" and it also remains a fact that Jehovah killed the sexy lyrics and that the production is now so coated with sugar and wrapped in candy floss that many of the songs struggles to break free. It needs some raw edge. I cannot help dreaming of the eighties when Prince in high heels, stockings, tangas and a long jacket had the sexiest lyrics in pop music that made Tipper Gore's heart skip several beats. Those were the days...
However, do never underestimate the power of a live Prince concert. Be assured that he will deliver like no other when he takes on London in August and September. Not many (if any) living artists come close to matching Prince live on stage. London here we come!
Band: Prince
Record Title: Planet Earth
This Release: 2007
Record Format: CD
Record Label: Sony
Content Type: Record Review
Updated: 2007-07-24 15:51
Created: 2007-07-18 13:31