This is a "b-movie", but with a decent production (J.J. Abrams) and one should keep that in mind. Don't expect fantastic acting and don't expect any characters to be acting too rational. Also be prepared to accept that the main character Boyce (Jovan Adepo) is a clone of the dumbass stormtrooper Finn from another J.J. Abrams movie "The Force Awakens" [2015]. I know it is a lot to ask for, but then you won't be too disappointed or angry when you watch the movie.
The first part of the movie is great when the American paratroopers are on a plane trying to reach a small village in France. Their mission is to take out a German radio tower. They meet a French girl Chloe (Mathilde Ollivier), who helps them. They learn that the village and the tower is heavily guarded by German soldiers.
The movie almost loses it's pace for a while, until Boyce manages to infiltrate the German base and finds out that a mad Nazi doctor has created a bunch of undead zombies. Total Wolfenstein shit is happening there.
Can our heroes stop the evil Nazi commander Wafner (Pilou Asbæk) and all the German soldiers and all the zombies and will they manage to blow up the radio tower in time? Will Boyce finally grow some balls and stop whining like a fucking little girlie clone of Finn? Well, you'll have to watch the movie to find out.
There's a fair amount of blood and violence, but it is more of a war movie with zombies than it is a horror movie with soldiers. For a higher rating it would have needed more dark humor, more zombie experiments, more light in some of the darker scenes and a lot less Finn. It is worth seeing, but it's not really worth going to the cinema for.
Movie Title: Overlord
Director: Julius Avery
This Release: 2018
Genre: Action
RunTime: 109
Actors: Jovan Adepo, Mathilde Ollivier, Pilou Asbæk
Movie Format: Cinema
Content Type: Movie Review
Updated: 2018-11-10 15:26
Created: 2018-11-09 22:07