So I survived my third Oktober Fest in München. This time making it thru 3 days in October. It is one hell of a party and I would like to thank all the nice people our little group of 3 met, drank with, danced with on the benches and sang with. Especially big hugs to the nice waitresses in the LöwenBräu Festzelt for saving our asses when we had almost given up finding a seat.
People who has never visited the greatest beer party of them all will never understand nor believe what they have missed out upon. It is simple one of the best parties in the world and people are incredibly friendly.
The music is actually way better than one who has never been there would think and it is indeed tough to believe just how cool a 20 men horn orchestra can really rock the house.
Will I be back next year? Well, you never know. I still have to get totally rid off and forget my hangovers to answer that question. But there is a pretty good possibility I'd say. Why miss out on one of the best parties around?
Content Type: Random Comment
Updated: 2007-10-08 22:03
Created: 2007-10-08 20:56