The new Nokia N95 firmware version 30.0.015 has been released. Most importantly it adds Auto Rotate that flips your screen when you flip the phone. Nice! Wonder what took them so long? It can be turned on from Settings/General/Personalisation/Display.Other updates are: Maps 2.0, N-Gage, Nokia Search (with Google), Share Online. Other than that I'm not really sure what it contains and/or fixes.Note: It wiped my phone memory completely, and I was not able to restore my backup afterwards. So be sure to synchronize your contacts etc. into Outlook before your upgrade just if you should experience the same issue.Firm-Ware updates:AllaboutsymbianNokia pc suiteNokia software update
Content Type: Tech Comment
Updated: 2008-09-07 19:04
Created: 2008-09-07 18:52