The Grinderman has gone and Lazarus has dug himself a deep hole. Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds have lost bandmember Mick Harvey and have also parked their madness, wildness and the rock 'n roll in the garage, at least for the moment.
The new album "Push The Sky Away" is a rather quiet collection of slower songs. More than real melodies the songs are like soundscapes and collages of sound, much like it can be heard on Nick Cave and Warren Ellis' many soundtrack albums. There is no doubt that same Warren Ellis is a dominant figure in the band now and the new album sounds like a mix of their soundtracks combined with quiet Bad Seeds songs from e.g. "The Lyre Of Orpheus"[2004].
There are no clear hits on the album but it has a very consistent flow and it is just perfect for day dreaming. Nick Cave's lyrics are as cryptic as ever and combined with the rather dark and dreamlike soundscapes it surely creates a weird but interesting atmosphere. The first single of the album "We No Who U R" is a good example of how this album sounds and feels.
The album comes in various shapes, but if you buy the limited edition then the CD is packaged like a small book complete with all lyrics, notes and photos and it also holds 2 bonus songs on a DVD. The bonus tracks are "Needle Boy" and "Lightning Bolts". They are presented as video recordings from the studio complete with lyrics. If you want them as audio files you'll need to rip them from the DVD.
People ask me, how we are.
We are, I say, mostly lost.
Band: Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Record Title: Push The Sky Away (limited edition)
This Release: 2013
Record Format: CD+DVD
Record Label: Bad Seed Ltd.
Content Type: Record Review
Updated: 2013-02-19 20:49
Created: 2013-02-18 17:41