Excellent new album from Nekrobilly legends Nekromantix. The band nowadays feature Kim Nekroman, guitarist Francisco Mesa and female drummer Lux. I think the new formation rocks like hell on this new record and the songs are melodic and speeding along like a steam locomotive fueled by liquid ghosts, just like we've always known and loved Nekromantix in the past.
I imagine I would miss Peter Sandorff's rockin' guitar in the live line-up, but all credit must be given to the current band. Especially Lux has impressed me. There is something about a sexy female drummer in high heels beating the shit out of her drum kit, and Lux is almost faster than the speed of light too.
I like the entire album without any exceptions and I find it very hard to highlight some tracks above others, because all songs on the album have something cool to offer. There's a lot of sing-along choruses and typical Nekromantix lyrics dealing with death, ghouls, the occult and more from the same coffin.
If I was forced to select some personal favorites it could be "Sleepwalker With a Gun" because it is just a great song to ride your bike to, "Love You Deadly" is impossible to get out of my head I Love You Deadly, I Love You Deadly, Till The End Of Time and "Bela Lugosi's Star" is totally catchy and a great tribute to the legendary vampire. But like I said before, loving those 3 tracks doesn't mean I don't love the rest.
It seems Nekromantix will never play Denmark again, at least I have little hope of that, so maybe I should move my ass to some other European country next time they cross the pond.
The album is available both as a digipack cd (with lyrics) and on vinyl (which also including a cd copy.) I am not too impressed with the vinyl record, my copy having a mediocre sound and pressing quality (it's not a 180g record), but the cd sounds very fine. Anyway, I got a signed poster with the vinyl, so I'm still very happy after all! :)
Band: Nekromantix
Record Title: What Happens In Hell Stays In Hell!
This Release: 2011
Record Format: LP
Record Label: Hellcat
Content Type: Record Review
Updated: 2011-10-15 00:47
Created: 2011-08-20 23:25