Lemmy: "we'd be a good band to play for the apocalypse. We sound like one anyway."
Lemmy still has a lot of wisdom and humor to share and actually the interviews were my favorite parts on this DVD.
The main recording is the full 2011 concert from Santiago, Chile. The intro with the huge military/police force closely following the line of Motörhead fans surely looks insane to someone living in a civilized country, but once allowed inside the venue the fans do party in style. They sure know how to enjoy rock'n'roll in Santiago and Lemmy is truly impressed. All that said it is a fairly standard Motörhead gig, but for some strange reason filmed in arty farty b/w.
You also get songs from New York (2011) and Manchester (2010) including some rather ridiculous guest star performances by Doro and someone named Michael Monroe.
Also in the set are 2 audio CDs with the same songs found on the DVD. So if don't feel too impressed with the DVD in itself, at least you'll now have Motörhead live CDs number 5238 and 5239 in your collection. The audio sounds fine and clear, no complaints there.
There's absolutely no reason to go for the bluray edition. You won't get the audio CDs and the picture quality is not really screamin' for a bluray release.
Band: Motörhead
Movie Title: The Wörld Is Ours - Vol. 1
This Release: 2011
Genre: Concert
Movie Format: CD+DVD
Movie Label: UDR
Content Type: Movie Review
Updated: 2011-11-27 13:18
Created: 2011-11-27 12:51