This is number 3 in the probably endless series of post-Lemmy releases. The first 2 were great, they had really fine sound quality for 1995 and 1998 recordings, one of the best periods of anything Motörhead, if you ask me. Both recordings were testament to how fucking awesome a live band Motörhead were back then. Insane power and speed and pure rock n roll madness on stage.
Now, skip fast forward to 2000 and the latest recording in the series "Flogging a dead Lemmy". The sound is not bad. There's a bit tape instability at times and a it is rather bass heavy, but it's not so bad. It is not the super finest soundboard recording but it is certainly okay and it's fully acceptable quality.
The problem here isn't really the audio quality. It's the quality of the band. The 2 recordings before this one showcased a Motörhead that was to fast and so full of energy and power that nothing could possible stop them!! Well, nothing apart from death or life itself. On this 3rd album in the series, it is quite a different band. It is probably down to Lemmy's form. Although he is presented as "the legend of Pokemon himself", he sounds exhausted. He sounds tired. Maybe Lemmy's physical problems were already beginning to show here? I witnessed several full-speed gigs after this one, so he did get back to full speed. It is obvious that Lemmy was nowhere near top form at this gig and he was struggling. While he was still super present and sharp, it is mainly the tempo that is very slow.
The first 3 LP sides are a bit of a slow ride. It's never terrible, it's just not satisfying if you've seen Motörhead live back then. Eventually, they do wake up though. During the encore (Side D) they get back to what was known as full Motörhead speed back then. Awesome power, much faster and out of this hibernation slow motion mode! I also want to mention Phil's guitar on "Killed by Death", it is out of this world cool and beautiful. Phil is a phenomenal guitar slinger.
- Can we have a recording of "Den Graa Hal" in Copenhagen June 2009, next? That was the last full speed Motörhead power gig in Copenhagen. It took several weeks to wipe off my smile after that one and I never got my hearing back :)
- Or "Saga" in Copenhagen, March 1987. That was my very first Motörhead live gig. It was beyond fucked up crazy. "The Animal is back" and he surely was.
This release is for the hardcore Motörheads and most of them will love it. I am ready for Vol. 4. Bring it on!
Band: Motörhead
Record Title: The Löst Tapes Vol. 3 (Live In Malmö 2000)
This Release: 2022
Record Format: LP
Record Label: BMG
Extra Info:
- It's a Record Store Day Black Friday 2022 release on clear green vinyl
- The album sticker said: recorded live in 2000 at KB Hallen? Wait WHAT?!?! Isn't that in Copenhagen? Lol. I guess they meant Kulturbolaget. Mikkey must have been drunk...
- We Are Motörhead
- Bomber
- No Class
- I'm So Bad (Baby I Don't Care)
- Over Your Shoulder
- Civil War
- Metropolis
- Shoot You In The Back
- God Save The Queen
- Born To Raise Hell
- Stay Out Of Jail
- Damage Case
- Sacrifice
- Orgasmatron
- Lemmy Bass Solo
- Going To Brazil
- Broken
- Iron Fist
- Killed By Death
- Ace Of Spades
- Overkill
Content Type: Record Review
Updated: 2022-11-25 23:24
Created: 2022-11-25 22:43