Aalborg, Skråen, 2011-12-02:
I had decided that one Motörhead gig in December was just not enough for me, so I flew in from Copenhagen for this gig in northern Jutland. Of course, I'll also catch the band in Copenhagen later this weekend. I met up with some nice people I had met at Wacken Open Air a few years ago and I had a fine time revisiting Aalborg.
The support band - Jorn - played a fine gig. The singer has a great voice and the band played some good old-school heavy metal. I believe it was one of the best support acts, I've seen at a Motörhead gig.
Skråen turned out to be a pretty good venue. Lots of bars meaning great access to beer and the acoustics of the venue were not bad at all. The volume was not particularly loud and it was certainly not everything louder than everything else if you compare to the days of old. But still, I had a nice ringing noise in my right ear for several hours after, so it wasn't particularly soft either :)
We knew the setlist before-hand. Motörhead is not a band known to improvise. The setlist is however great with some good variations from earlier tours. The inclusion of the mighty "Orgasmatron" is the most important change in my opinion. It is simply the greatest lyrics ever penned by Lemmy and I never ever get tired of seeing Lemmy sing and shout his way through this masterpiece all bathed in green light. Well, see for yourself, I've embedded my video below. Other great changes would be the rather unusual opener "Bomber" and "The One To Sing the Blues" including Mikkey Dee's drum solo.
It is only minor details that separate Motörhead gigs from each other. I've seen the band so many times that I've lost track of just how many times, but I am enjoying the über-cool awesomeness of this power trio every single time and I'll never get tired of it. Mikkey on drums, Phil on guitar and Lemmy on Rickenbacker bass are so goddamn tight that no other band even comes close when you need that one and a half hour fix of hard rock'n'roll smashed in your face with a massive war hammer. They always deliver and you never leave a Motörhead gig without a huge smile on your face. Needless to say you are quite often also partly deaf and quite drunk, but those things are just an added bonus!
Copenhagen, Vega, 2011-12-04:
Pretty much the same shit as what happened in Aalborg. I think I liked Aalborg slightly more, Lemmy sang a bit more clean (is that even possible?) and the crowd was more "friendly". Vega however was much wilder and more hardcore. It surely drained some power to stay up in front - facing Murder One. I left that spot for the encore which I enjoyed from the sky view (see the pictures) to get a different perspective. My phone's camera failed me badly, especially at Vega, but it's most likely just a matter of me getting used to it while being Motör-drunk. Great thing at Vega was that I met Jorn outside in the lobby after the concert. That Norwegian dude can sing, I tell you! Such a fucking great weekend it was. Lemmy, please stay alive forever!
Band: Motörhead
Venue: Skråen i Nordkraft, Aalborg, DK
Concert Date: 2011-12-02
Support Band: Jorn
Bomber, Damage Case, I Know How to Die, Stay Clean, Metropolis, Over the Top, One Night Stand, Guitar Solo, The Chase Is Better Than the Catch, Get Back In Line, I'll Be Your Sister, The One To Sing the Blues (Drum Solo), Orgasmatron, Going to Brazil, Killed by Death, Iron Fist, Encore: Whorehouse Blues, Ace of Spades, Overkill.
Ticket Price (DKK): 400
Ticket Provider: Billetnet
Content Type: Concert Review
Updated: 2011-12-03 16:47
Created: 2011-12-03 16:04