I had been wishing to see Motörhead play at Roskilde since my first visit to Roskilde Festival back in 1994. When they finally came here I really didn't want them to play on a Sunday afternoon (14:30) and bathed in sunlight and intense heat. I'm sure it wasn't what the band had wished for either. Lemmy hates sunlight and heat and so do I.
Anyway, when Motörhead say jump, we jump! They played an okay gig (they never play a bad one) and we had lots of fun in the front rows but it never became nowhere near as intense as their previous visits to smaller Copenhagen indoor venues. The sound was quite muddy and unclear for most of the gig and worse yet Roskilde's fucked up sound level restrictions forced the band to play ridiculously low for a Motörhead gig which spoiled some of the fun. Roskilde's policy in this area is simply embarrassing.
All that said, a Motörhead gig is a Motörhead gig and the setlist was pretty good with something for the hardcore fans (like me) as well. We had all the usual shit including crowd shouting, Phil playing a solo, Mikkey playing a solo and Lemmy playing standup comedian in his own totally laid back and über cool way.
Some memorable Lemmy quotes from Roskilde 2010:
Good afternoon. Sorry we're late, just got off the fucking bus. Stuck in traffic, but we've been stuck in traffic before. We are Motörhead and we play rock'n'roll!
Over The Top intro:
This fucking light, I'm not used to it. This is dedicated to everyone suffering under the fucking heat.
I Got Mine intro:
This is a song from 1983. Before you were born, haha!
In The Name Of Tragedy intro:
This is a song, let's see, 3 albums back on an album called Inferno. Anybody got it? Quit lying you motherfuckers. You fucking downloaded it. We know it.
Just 'Cos You Got The Power (That Don't Mean You Got The Right) intro:
This one is about politicians. [crowd: boooo!] Yeah? You don't like politicians? [crowd: noooo!] Neither do I, I think they are cheating bastards every fucking one of them. Don't make any mistakes, they are all the same. Don't matter what party they are, they all wear the same fucking haircut, they wear the same suit and they all talk the same shit.
Going To Brazil intro:
You like rock'n'roll, don't you? Even the Prince fans like rock'n'roll? You shoulda seen the real Jimi Hendrix, he was good.
Band intro:
Let me introduce you to the band, it might be your first time. Well, probably if you're a Prince fan.
Overkill intro:
Don't forget us. We are Motörhead and we play rock'n'fucking'roll!
Lemmy Kilmister, Phil Campbell, Mikkey Dee
Band: Motörhead
Venue: Roskilde Festival, Roskilde, DK
Concert Date: 2010-07-04
- Iron Fist,
- Stay Clean,
- Be My Baby,
- Rock Out(with your cock out),
- Metropolis,
- Over The Top,
- One Night Stand,
- Guitar Solo,
- The Thousand Names Of God,
- I Got Mine,
- Cradle To The Grave,
- In The Name Of Tragedy (incl. drum solo),
- Just 'Cos You Got The Power (That Don't Mean You Got The Right),
- Going To Brazil,
- Killed By Death,
- Born To Raise Hell,
- Ace Of Spades,
- Overkill
Ticket Price (DKK): 1700
Content Type: Concert Review
Updated: 2010-07-06 20:07
Created: 2010-07-06 19:53