Yet another Motörhead live album. This one was recorded in Berlin in December 2012, which makes it about 3 years before Lemmy was finally killed by death.
In 2012 Lemmy was struggling with his health and it shows here. He was still mentally present and he played alright but the tempo was slow, his voice was weak and he was partially mumbling. If you compare this version of Motörhead to the "Everything Louder Than Everyone Else" version from 1998 then it sounds like two different bands.
Mikkey and especially Phil did what they could to fill in for Lemmy, but it was just not Motörhead like we used to know them marching on at ludicrous speed. This was more like a 45RPM record played at 33RPM. It is questionable if this album should ever have been released. It is nowhere as bad(sad) as the pathetic "Clean Your Clock" live album recorded in 2015, but still the only reason seems to be to fill some greedy bastard's pockets: "The bad boys sold your franchise, they stole your rock 'n' roll."
You can still find some enjoyment in the new album but be prepared to find some sadness too. I very much prefer to remember Motörhead at their peak(s) than Motörhead near the end, but even a Motörhead at half speed had the skills and songs to outperform many other bands.
The DVD has okay picture and sound quality but the large German crowd looks very tame. Maybe they were thinking about having to go to work the next morning or maybe they were just sad witnessing Lemmy's obvious health problems.
Oh, and the title "Louder Than Noise", Cerseiously? Was that the best they could come up with?
Band: Motörhead
Movie Title: Louder Than Noise... Live in Berlin
I Know How to Die, Damage Case, Stay Clean, Metropolis, Over the Top, Doctor Rock, String Theory (Phil guitar solo), The Chase Is Better Than the Catch, Rock It, You Better Run, The One to Sing the Blues (incl. Mikkey drum solo), Going to Brazil, Killed by Death, Ace of Spades, Overkill (feat. Anthrax).
This Release: 2021
Genre: Concert
Movie Format: CD+DVD
Movie Label: Silver Lining
Content Type: Movie Review
Updated: 2021-04-23 16:26
Created: 2021-04-23 16:02