Tim Burton has created yet another weird world, this time loosely based on the novels by Ransom Riggs. Miss Peregrine [Eva Green] runs an orphanage for children with special skills and powers that make them seem a bit like the super-heroes in the X-Men movies. Miss Peregrine has a way of keeping them hidden in a time-loop in 1943, to keep them safe from evil monsters who want to kill them and eat their eyes.
The movie is perhaps a bit too long, but most of it is interesting enough and it has some fun moments. There are obviously a lot of children in the movie, but only a few of them are annoying. The movie is however a bit too childish, and particularly a scene on a pier in Blackpool, is ridiculous. Eva Green doesn't show her tits at all in this movie, which must be a first-time ever for her.
The way Burton has created the special effects using lots of Stop Motion techniques rather than normal CGI, fits in nicely with the historical feel of the 1943 world. The movie looks fine in 2D, so there's really no reason to go for 3D.
Movie Title: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2D)
Director: Tim Burton
This Release: 2016
Genre: Fantasy
RunTime: 127
Actor: Eva Green
Movie Format: Cinema
Content Type: Movie Review
Updated: 2016-10-04 19:44
Created: 2016-10-02 20:24