Sci-fi Superstars, The Prophet of Freak and The Sputnik Elite
This one was to be my first "Sputnik" gig in 3 years. Well, it obviously isn't really Sputnik gigs anymore after the split in 2003, but still it is the closest we get and Martin Degville is still the visualization of everything Sputnik.
I made my way to London, found my hotel and then I took the Sputnik2 Express (Tube) to Camden and made a quick escape from the burning sun and went inside the World's End for the planned Sputnik Elite fan reunion. It was so much fun to be there and meet all the familiar faces again from Sigue Sigue Sputnik's y2k return. DocSputnik, Annie, Rachel(Shy Girl), Lynn, SputnikFred, Jill, Jason, Lyndon, Leigh. In fact there were more familiar faces, but the names escape me. Let me know if YOU should be on this list!
After that we headed for The Purple Turd/Turtle near by. It wasn't open yet and I had to find all my patience, but finally they let us in after 10 minutes wait. As expected foreigners aren't entitled to receive any real tickets in Camden, but after they let us in Annie gave me her ticket for my collection - Big thanx and hugs! :) Inside we found the merchandise stand where you could buy Sci-fi t-shirts and CDs of "Prophet of Freak" and "No More Parasites" by the Hellbilly Club. We also had a chat with Martin already dressed in full Sci-fi/Sputnik gear looking absolutely awesome as always. We continued the reunion upstairs while listening to a bit of 2 of the other bands when they hit the stage. Let me put it this way: I didn't run to buy any of their CDs afterwards.
The Sci-fi Superstars hit the stage. First entered Santi (guitar) and David Lluch (bass). A little later came the man himself, Mr. Martin "Sci-fi" Degville. We had a really good show and the vibe was great. The sound in the Purple Turtle is quite good, but unfortunately the sound dude up in his mixer temple decided that we needed almost no audible guitar and only very little bass. His reply - when I kindly informed him about it - was to go fuck myself. Must be a Camden thing...
Well, apart from that little incident, we had a lot of the songs from the great new album "Prophet of Freak" and also a Sputnik medley. The new songs worked really well live and it just proves that the new album is great enough to stand on it's own with highlights like Profiles, I Surrender, Sunday(I’ve Got Monday On My Mind), Planit Bi, Click On Me, Celebrity(I Wannabe), Virtually Dreaming. Obviously we also had old Sputnik hits 21st Century Boy and Love Missile F1-11 but to be honest, the new stuff sounded far better on this night. Martin and the Lluch brothers looked awesome on stage and it was a very good launch gig for the Sci-fi Superstars.
After the gig Martin and the band came out and chatted with the fans and had photographs taken and The Sputnik Elite slowly split up apart from a few hardcore folks who stayed until they were kicked out of the bar at closing time (no names mentioned, haha!) What a fantastic reunion and a great gig. If we could only wish for a sound engineer at the next gig who wouldn't think he was a God and was actually able to do his job, then it would get even better. I certainly hope it won't be 3 very long years until the next fan reunion and I think I'll end this with a "see you soon folks! You rock!"
Now I just need to get over the London-flu that attacked me. The end.
Band: Martin Degville (Sputnik2)
Venue: The Purple Turtle, London, UK
Concert Date: 2009-05-29
Musicians: Martin Degville, Santi Lluch, David Lluch
- Intro/Prophet Of Freak,
- Profiles,
- 21st Century Boy,
- Bye Bye USA,
- I Surrender,
- Sunday(I’ve Got Monday On My Mind),
- Planit Bi,
- Sigue Sigue Sputnik - Medley,
- Click On Me,
- Celebrity(I Wannabe),
- Virtually Dreaming,
- Love Missile F1-11
Ticket Price (DKK): 70
Ticket Provider: Ticketweb
Content Type: Concert Review
Updated: 2009-05-29 00:00
Created: 2009-06-01 12:54