If anybody thought that Mr. Manson was dead and gone I have to disappoint/please them by concluding that he certainly ain't.
The new album from the Antichrist-Super-Fuck is a pleasant return to much of the sound that made Mechanical Animals the best Manson album and also one of the best rock albums of the nineties. The sound is quite glam oriented with great guitar playing by Tim Sköld who has written, produced and performed the album together with the God of Fuck himself.
The lyrics are mostly very dark and they don't necessarily make too much sense at a first glance except for broken hearts, hate and despair. The album will probably take a few spins to get into for most people but it is worth it.
My current favorite is the song "The Red Carpet Grave" with the line "I can't turn my back on you, when you are walking away" and a very catchy guitar. But actually I like most of the songs. Many of them are really great. The "special edition" of the CD contains two extra remixes of the song "Heart-Shaped Glasses".
Band: Marilyn Manson
Record Title: Eat Me, Drink Me
This Release: 2007
Record Format: CD
Record Label: Interscope
Content Type: Record Review
Updated: 2007-06-09 12:34
Created: 2007-06-07 17:30