I've taken a look at horror movies I've liked through the years. I may have forgotten a few along the way, but these are the movies that popped out after a quick brain dump. The list below is ordered chronologically. Here we go:
1. "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1)" [1974]
Will always be the ultimate horror movie for me. It has had so much impact on the genre and the portrait of the Chainsaw family and the tension it builds up is outstanding. It is hard to believe how scary it was to watch for the first time, considering how little gore it actually contains. It just shows that Tobe Hooper was the master of horror. Gunnar Hansen is great as Leatherface. One of the scariest horror creatures ever. Part 2 is not too bad although more of a comedy. The rest of the sequels and remakes should be avoided at all costs.
2. "Cannibal Holocaust" [1980]
Reckoned by many as one of the most disturbing movies ever made. I personally don't find it disturbing, but surely it has a fair amount of gore, cannibalism (obviously), sadism, real animal slaughters and plenty of rape scenes. The acting is incredibly bad, it is very low budget, but somehow it is still worth seeing, if you can picture yourself liking this type of movies. It is a true classic, and most likely the best cannibal movie ever made. The statement it makes in the end "I wonder who the real cannibals are?", is actually a pretty good one.
3. "Friday The 13th (1)" [1980]
One of the horror flicks that spawned endless sequels. I've actually never really liked it, because I've always found it commercial teenage garbage rather than art. But Jason Voorhees is undeniably one of the classic horror creatures.
4. "Piranha Part Two: The Spawning (2)" [1981]
This one was directed by James Cameron and featured Lance Henriksen. It is not exactly a good horror movie, but it was the first I ever saw, and it will always have a special place in my heart. I saw it again a month ago, and it ain't that bad. Actually pretty funny in a way.
5. "The House By The Cemetery" [1981]
This one is a true classic by Lucio Fulci. The acting is rather horrible but the gore and the tension in the house is really great. Dr. Freudstein is one of my all-time favorite horror creatures.
6. "A Nightmare On Elm Street (1)" [1984]
Wes Craven's never ending story. Just as bad as Friday The 13th. and not a coincidence that Freddy met Jason in the 2003 movie "Freddy vs. Jason". I've never really liked the "Elm Street" teenage garbage, but Robert Englund's Freddy Krueger is a classic horror creature.
7. "Hellraiser (1)" [1987]
Clive Barker's first "Hellraiser" and part 2 as well are pretty cool movies. The acting is horrible, but Pinhead and his friends are some cool motherfuckers. The effects were rather cool for the time, but looks rather shitty today. "Jesus wept."
8. "Evil Dead 3 - Army Of Darkness (3)" [1992]
This is a low budget movie and the effects are awful. The screenplay, the acting, the ideas and the one-liners are however so great and funny that nothing else tops it. I will laugh my ass off any day I watch Bruce Cambell's Ash going back in time. "Groovy."
9. "House Of A 1000 Corpses (1)" [2003]
Rob Zombie has created a really cool family of psychos here, and from Baby to Dr. Satan they are all very adorable. I really like this movie, and the sequel "The Devil's Rejects" is just as cool (although more of a road movie instead of a horror movie).
10. "Land Of The Dead (4)" [2005]
George A. Romero's 4th Zombie movie, and the one I like best. It really has all you could wish for in a zombie movie and most importantly: the zombies move slowly. I really hate fast moving zombies. It is like Vampires who walk in the sun or werewolves that eat silver for breakfast.
Genre: Horror
Content Type: Movie Review
Updated: 2008-01-19 21:12
Created: 2008-01-19 20:18