I'm not much of a James Bond fan, but somehow I got "manipulated" into watching this 007 movie in the cinema. It's a pretty good action movie, I have to admit. Daniel Craig does a fine job as Agent 007 and "cattle gun killer" Javier Bardem is a fine classic Bond villain. The final important role is M played by Judi Dench, who also does a very good job.
Much of the action is totally over the top and very unbelievable, like the impressive opening sequence with a long motorcycle chase over rooftops ending on a moving train. But no matter how unbelievable all the action may look, you can never say that it isn't entertaining. There is a lot of humor in the movie and references to other Bond movies e.g. the old Aston Martin. Well, there's even a few lovely Komodo Dragons to enjoy.
It did seem to me that Mr. Craig took off his shirt and flexed his muscles just a few times too many and even if it's part of the Bond universe, it does seem ridiculous that any woman he encounters instantly falls flat on her back and spread her legs. Even the ones who aren't former prostitutes.
Most ridiculous of all was however the "hacking scene" at MI6, where once again we had to suffer some stupid visual representation of encrypted data, computer hacking and a computer genius who is idiotic enough to plug an unknown device into the MI6 network!?
Welcome to Scotland!
The movie is very long and it would have benefited from having been tightened and shortened at least by half an hour, but it never feels boring. There are lots of different locations from Istanbul over London to Shanghai and Scotland. The action and the humor and the stupidities will keep you entertained from beginning to end.
Movie Title: James Bond - Skyfall
Director: Sam Mendes
This Release: 2012
Genre: Action
RunTime: 143
Actors: Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Judi Dench
Movie Format: Cinema
Content Type: Movie Review
Updated: 2012-11-06 21:38
Created: 2012-11-06 15:48