Iron Maiden's new album is quite impressive. It runs for 72 minutes and with 10 songs in all it makes for some pretty long tracks.
Most of the songs are very complex and takes a bit of listening to get into, but it pays off. It has the Maiden trademark sound all over it and Bruce Dickinson sings greater than ever before on this album.
From the album opener "Different World" and through highlights of the album like "Brighter than a thousand Suns", "The Pilgrim" and "For the greater good of God" to the last track "The Legacy" it is Maiden as we know them and love them. It's got some fillers as well, and perhaps it should have been shortened a bit.
Compared to their "comeback" album "Brave New World" I guess the album from 2000 is a bit better but the new one is definitely better than "Dance of Death" from 2003.
I often hear phrases like "Maiden is just so eighties and old" but that is really bullshit. No other metal band could make an album like this and they sounds fresh and vital as ever. I'm looking very much forward to seeing them live here in Copenhagen in November.
Band: Iron Maiden
Record Title: A Matter of Life and Death
This Release: 2006
RunTime: 72
Record Format: CD
Record Label: EMI
Content Type: Record Review
Updated: 2006-09-10 20:05
Created: 2006-09-06 21:13