This World War 2 movie is written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. It is entertaining and also great fun.
It is not at all boring like some reviewers claimed, but I agree that it feels a tiny bit long in a few scenes. The movie is not even remotely as violent as some reviewers claimed, especially not if compared to a lot of other war movies. It is a rare thing to see an American movie where the German soldiers speak German and the French people speak French and it is very nice to hear!
The movie has great actors and great characters. I thought Brad Pitt was great as lieutenant Aldo Raine the leader of the Nazi killing group of American Jews. But especially Christoph Waltz was excellent as the Jew hunter colonel Hans Landa, a real smart, cunning and evil bastard.
This movie doesn't feel limited by what actually happened during WW2 and there's obviously always a great sense of humor in a Tarantino movie.
Movie Title: Inglourious Basterds
Director: Quentin Tarantino
This Release: 2009
Genre: Drama
RunTime: 153
Actors: Brad Pitt, Christoph Waltz
Movie Format: Cinema
Content Type: Movie Review
Updated: 2009-09-10 19:49
Created: 2009-09-03 21:15