The brilliant Danish band Hola Ghost has now been upgraded to an all human trio adding drummer Kristian Sandorff (aka Ghost Brother) to the line-up, which already featured Peter Sandorff (voice + guitar) and Jeppe on bass.
Former robot drummer Ghost-707 has not been entirely retired yet and it will feature on a few of the upcoming gigs, but at this particular event at Copenhagen's Nørrebro-Hallen, we were witnessing the first public gig by the all human trio.
It was a true blast and a half and even if there were a few problems with Peter's Microphone and even if my videos are a bit bumpy then the videos should prove my point very well: they fucking rock!
Band: Hola Ghost
Venue: Røde Plads, Nørrebro Hallen, Copenhagen, DK
Concert Date: 2012-06-02
Mulo Esqueleto Volante, Marguerita, Night of The Vampire, The Man They Couldn't Hang, Dragon Balls, Ausweis, Six Bullets, Spanish Moon, Alligator Girl, Stay Awake.
Ticket Price (DKK): 0
Ticket Provider: Venue
Content Type: Concert Review
Updated: 2012-06-05 22:09
Created: 2012-06-05 13:44