Great Hola Ghost gig with Finnish mad men Black Magic Six playing as well. The evening was labelled as a Gear Box night - whatever that means - but like I just said, great it was.
The crowd could have been a tiny bit more into it but for a Thursday night I think that the turn up was pretty good and the bands did everything possible to rock the house!
Hola Ghost have gotten themselves a new drummer: Mulo - æ Fisselmand helping out controlling Ghost 707's pure magic. Also we had the pleasure of the added 2 piece horn section adding further to the Psychotic Flamencore sound that is Hola Ghost's trademark.
To my surprise I realized I'd seen Black Magic Six before at the Gutter Island festival 2008 and they are still mad. They play very short but powerful songs with lots of drums and guitar and weird Finglish singing. Surely entertaining for both eyes and ears.
Band: Hola Ghost
Venue: Råhuset, Copenhagen, DK
Concert Date: 2010-03-25
Support Band: Black Magic Six
Ticket Price (DKK): 70
Ticket Provider: Venue
Content Type: Concert Review
Updated: 2010-03-27 06:38
Created: 2010-03-26 23:30