Yet another fantastic Gutter Island festival has taken place. It was just as awesome as last year, well actually it was even better, because the weather behaved perfectly. It was never too warm and never too cold and it only rained a bit at night. The selection of bands could have been a tiny bit better, but to be honest this festival is not about top names. It is about dirty nasty rock'n'roll played by garage rock bands and the bands present did a great job. Best band (in my opinion) was Finnish madmen Black Magic Six who also played in 2008. They played one hell of a gig and the crowd loved every second of it.
The festival was again absolutely perfectly organized and still kept at the 500-600 people level which makes it the best rock festival experience you can choose in Denmark. You will never end up in a queue and the mix of people from 20 and all the way up (50 easily, maybe even 60 years old) is great. Everybody is friendly and they are there to have a great rock'n'roll time.
The hangovers are rather tough to get rid off after a festival like that, but I'm already more than ready for Gutter Island 2012. (it only takes place every second year.) Once you've been in the Gutter you will always want to come back to this awesome festival at Masnedø near Vordingborg.
Bands: Black Magic Six, Baby Woodrose
Venue: Gutter Island Festival, Masnedø, Vordingborg, DK
Concert Date: 2010-08-20
Ticket Price (DKK): 515
Ticket Provider: Billetlugen
Content Type: Concert Review
Updated: 2010-08-28 18:09
Created: 2010-08-28 10:33