How do you really review a GWAR concert? The problem is that you have to be there to understand what it's really about. It is a bizarre show of 5 aliens and a couple of helpers playing music that may be categorized as heavy metal but it's really not that important.
Although it sounds ok the show is mostly about bringing celebreties like Adolf Hitler, George Bush, The (Nazi)Pope, Some Jihad terrorist, a pop/punk star, a police officer and (not to forget) Satan himself on stage. All these persons will then suffer a brutal death usually by sword or axe and the blood will start splashing in all directions turning all and everything into a massacre. Oh, and let's not forget the various alien dicks that spreads green alien sperm all over the place as well.
It is hillarious. But like I said you should have been there. Then you would have had to go home and wipe off your smile while cleaning your clothes and washing insane amounts of blood out of your hair.
The audience was great, the Satan costume was fantastic, and GWAR are alien kings. Unfortunately The Rock is a bit to small for an act like this and I think the show would have been even better at a slightly bigger venue.
It's been 10 long years between my first GWAR concert and this one. I really hope it won't be 10 years until I see them again.
- Oderus Urungus (voice and alien dick),
- Balsac the Jaws of Death (guitar),
- Jizmak Da Gusha (drums),
- Beefcake the Mighty (bass),
- Flattus Maximus (guitar)
Band: GWAR
Venue: The Rock, Copenhagen, DK
Concert Date: 2007-04-11
Content Type: Concert Review
Updated: 2007-04-13 20:53
Created: 2007-04-11 23:53