Very good greatest hits collection from ex-Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl's Foo Fighters. I've seen the band live a couple of times, but they've never really managed to convince me that they were able to make an album that was so great, that I just had to run and buy it.
This compilation is however full of hits and basically no misfires. On top of that there are 3 unreleased tracks to make the fans buy it, including an acoustic version of Everlong.
It may not be the most complicated music in the world, but it sure rocks and I've always been a great fan of the song Everlong. So for me at least, this is the perfect Foo Fighters package.
Band: Foo Fighters
Record Title: Greatest Hits
This Release: 2009
Record Format: CD
Record Label: RCA
Content Type: Record Review
Updated: 2009-11-11 19:35
Created: 2009-11-11 18:49