Bob "Derwood" Andrews has a new download album out called "Tone Poet". Derwood played guitar in Generation-X (also featured Billy Idol and Tony James) and later he formed the eighties pop band Westworld, and the drums and slide guitar band Moondogg (featuring Liz from Westworld).
This new album is a solo project from Derwood. Some of it sounds a bit like the stuff on the " [Link removed] " album. Some songs sound not too far from Moondogg, while other songs sound totally different. The sound is almost demo like on some of the tracks, but it sounds fine like that. The guitar playing on the album is really cool and shows just how great a guitarist Derwood is.
Soo Cat Woman sings the vocals on the rock'n'roll tune "Backstabbers". It is by far my favorite track on the new album and it is very catchy both in terms of lyrics, guitar riffs and melody. Other favorites of mine would be: "Coming Down Easy", "There's An End To Everything", "The Art Of Doing Nothing" and the instrumental "Bowlegged Blues".
The song "All Your Friends Are Strangers" was released on the Moondogg album "All The Love In The World" in 2004. On "Tone Poet" you'll find it in a different version with Derwood on vocals.
"Tone Poet" has 13 tracks and is only available as a digital download (MP3, 192kbps) via the SnoCap store from Derwood's Myspace page.
Band: Derwood Andrews
Record Title: Tone Poet
This Release: 2007
Record Format: Download
Content Type: Record Review
Updated: 2007-11-07 22:32
Created: 2007-11-07 20:00