The new Depeche Mode album is so boring that it must have been written solely by Andy Fletcher, while he was standing behind his laptop on stage, reading his emails. It's like trying to watch the "Gandhi" [1982] movie without falling asleep. That movie runs for more than 3 hours and nothing happens. Much like on this album. Luckily it only runs for 49 minutes, but it feels like an eternity.
Highlights? None.
I seriously doubt they have one great melody left in them. I didn't expect a new "Violator" [1990] - that would have been unfair - but "Playing The Angel" [2005] was a genuine masterpiece compared to this pile of crap.
I've got a ticket to their gig in Copenhagen, next month. I hope they won't play a single song from the new album.
Anybody wanna buy a cheap 3-sided Depeche Mode 2LP? I'm embarrassed to have it in my record collection.
After writing this, I went and had a look at what I wrote after the "Sounds Of The Universe" [2009] album. It appears my feelings and words were almost exactly the same. Depeche Mode is dead. Stone dead.
Band: Depeche Mode
Record Title: Spirit
This Release: 2017
Record Format: LP
Record Label: Columbia
Content Type: Record Review
Updated: 2017-04-28 19:47
Created: 2017-04-28 19:30