This is the 25th Burton/Depp collaboration or so. It should be so perfect but more often than not I've left the cinema kinda disappointed. This time around was no different.
With a cast featuring Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer, Helena Bonham Carter, Chloë Moretz, Christopher Lee, just to name a few, you would and should expect a bloody great movie.
Unfortunately it fails on several levels. Mostly because it cannot decide whether it wants to be a horror comedy or a more serious gothic vampire drama. Secondly because it feels way too long. Sometimes the clock just stopped.
Luckily they had decided to plug-in an Alice Cooper live show in the middle of the movie, which certainly saves the movie from stopping completely. The 70ties soundtrack and especially the Alice Cooper bits are really great and works very well in the context. Burton is of course as always phenomenal in creating cool worlds. The look and feel of being back in 1972 is really great.
The story of a jealous witch (Eva Green) who turns the main character Barnabas Collins (Depp) into a vampire and gets him buried alive, surely makes for some funny situations when Barnabas returns to his old family mansion some 200 years later.
I can't say if it is because Burton wanted to stay true to the original tv series or if he just wanted to do too many things at once. I am however certain that this movie would have been a lot better if they had stayed 100% true to the vampire fun and comedy all the way and had chopped off half an hour of it's runtime.
Movie Title: Dark Shadows
Director: Tim Burton
This Release: 2012
Genre: Fantasy
RunTime: 114
Actors: Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer, Helena Bonham Carter, Chloë Moretz, Christopher Lee, Eva Green, Alice Cooper
Movie Format: Cinema
Content Type: Movie Review
Updated: 2012-05-17 22:39
Created: 2012-05-17 10:34