Overmuch better later than never never!
A significant percentage of the danish critics had decided that the 2008 album Monster Philosophy created by one of Denmark's finest rock'n'roll bands ever, was...well, a half-baked turd. I foolishly believed them, and it will never happen again.
I met Jesper Binzer (lead singer) outside Parken in Copenhagen before the AC/DC 2009 gig and he turned out to be just as friendly as I had expected. Why be a self-loving jerk just because you are in a rock band? Jesper is nothing like that.
I went to the Wacken Open Air 2009 festival and D-A-D fired up a fantastic show even if the wind tried to blow them away. I even bought the show afterwards as a MP3 recording. By then they had already proven the critics wrong. The new songs in the setlist were excellent and the band had never sounded better (and I'd seen them many many times in the past.)
As a bonus I have to add that Jesper's rather challenged attempt at speaking German is so hilarious that I kill myself every time I listen to them MP3s. :-D
Next step was the release of the retrospective D-A-D collection that spans thru their entire career. It is a freakin' awesome box. In it was obviously their latest cd: Monster Philosophy and I was blown away by 50% how cool it is and 50% fuck you liars/critics.
This is in my opinion one of the best D.A.D albums ever. It will face No Fuel Left For The Pilgrims and Riskin' It All without a single problem. A critically acclaimed album like Everything Glows doesn't even come close. The melodies are great, the singing from Jesper is perfect, the guitar from Jacob is outstanding (and the guitar sound is so fucking awesome that you simply can't believe it), it makes you go nuts just listening to it. Stig and Laust fill the rhythm department more than brilliantly. What more can you ask for? Nothing really. A few dead critics on stakes perhaps?
Best song on the album? Money Always Takes The Place Of Life. Starts off at a low level and rather quiet, but propels itself into one of the best D-A-D tracks ever. It is simply awesome!
I even relived my Wacken live experience as they played a gig at Ballerup "Industrial Waste" Arena that I attended. You can say a lot of things about Ballerup Arena, but D-A-D gave a fuck about it. It was fantastic and I don't think that anybody left - after It's After Dark had faded out - without a huge smile. Disneyland isn't closed at all. Disneyland is open and it lives in Copenhagen!
I'm sorry for ever having based anything upon the opinions of them f***s. I know a true band/musician when I hear and see one and I know a great album when it smacks me in the face!
See you guys next time! Cow skulls rock! Respect!
Band: D-A-D
Record Title: Monster Philosophy
This Release: 2008
Record Format: CD
Record Label: EMI
Content Type: Record Review
Updated: 2010-02-20 04:08
Created: 2009-11-25 19:42