The new D-A-D album entitled "Disneyland After Dark" - slightly awkwardly spelled, is a fine experience. It is hard rock, quite melodic and very consistent and almost without any weak tracks. The obvious hits are the first single "I Want What She's Got" and the catchy "Fast On Wheels", both tracks have a typical D-A-D feel to them.
Also the opener is worth highlighting "A New Age Is Moving In" with rather dark lyrics about burning seas and drowned cities but still with a hope for the future: gonna let a new storm in...cuz, there's a new age moving in.
Only track I find weak is "Wild Thing In The Woods", it is simply not on par with the rest of the album. The 2 ballads included are not D-A-D's finest creations in that department, but still they bring the necessary shift in pace when needed and they fit in nicely.
I must say that the previous album "Monster Philosophy" is better overall, simply because it is a perfect album and one of the best D-A-D albums ever in my opinion. The new album is a great album but maybe because the album is so damn consistent that is also why it doesn't jump from great to excellent. D-A-D are not really riskin' it all here.
I am however convinced that many of the tracks will rock very overmuch when played live in the spring. I've got tickets to see the boys in Copenhagen and London for some of that good old cow skull flavor!
Band: D-A-D
This Release: 2011
Record Format: LP
Record Label: Mermaid
Content Type: Record Review
Updated: 2011-11-18 20:46
Created: 2011-11-12 12:55