She was a "brægende" sheep as we call it here in Denmark. Go look it up, it's a good danish word to know. Oh well, besides that she was also kinda screaming during most of the concert, or introducing somebody from Rufus on the guitar. A man with a very overrated ego, not half ways worth the hype. The man on the bass was however outstanding and superfunky, but he wasn't from Rufus, so he never stood a chance. We'd hoped Prince would have landed on the stage with his Blue Angel to take over the show, well he didn't.
We got the expected hits like Prince's I Feel For You and the closing I'm Every Woman. In between, we had 1.5 hours of very unfocused fillers with no direction what-so-ever. If this is Chaka Khan 2008 then it may be time for her to consider retirement seriously. She was a hell of a lot better in 1998. 10 years does make a difference it seems.
Band: Chaka Khan
Venue: Tivoli (Plænen), Copenhagen, DK
Concert Date: 2008-07-11
Ticket Price (DKK): 0
Ticket Provider: Venue
Content Type: Concert Review
Updated: 2008-07-12 12:22
Created: 2008-07-12 12:21