Well, they're back - the hardest working band in Finnish rock'n'roll - BM6! Back with their 3rd album which is out on both cd and vinyl. I recommend the vinyl, the sound is really great, just like on their other 2 albums.
So then, what sets this new album apart from the other 2 albums? Nothing. Not a bit. They all sound exactly the same. Rock, punk, dirty blues with that evil Finnish twist. And you know what? They shouldn't change a winning formula: a duo of guitar/voice + drums. That is enough, this is rock'n'roll in your face. And you'll just have to fucking love it.
From first beat (after the intro ends) "I Hate People" NÄ NÄ NÄNÄNÄNÄÄ sets the scene. It's fast and with a great sense of humor (even though BM6 will probably insist that they are deadly serious.) "Beaver Killer" is the next highlight and the second single option in this digital world where the concept of a single record is now unfortunately lost.
"The Biggest Ass In Town" is in fact different from most of the back catalogue. It is hillbilly cow punk delivered completely with violin and banjo and what have we not. Really great thing indeed! Clearly my favorite on this album!
"TPTPATFOTHMPT2" is short for "The Past The Present And The Future Of True Heavy Metal Pt.2" and is part 2 of the song BM6 started on their second album "Doomsday Bound". The album ends with the "Brutal Blues" which surprisingly enough is a dirty evil blues.
I can only advice all rock 'n' rollers in Copenhagen to show up @ KB18 March 29. BM6 + Hola Ghost + Dead Elvis is gonna make one deadly evil cocktail.
Band: Black Magic Six
Record Title: Brutal Blues
This Release: 2012
Record Format: LP
Record Label: Big Money / Svart
Content Type: Record Review
Updated: 2012-02-10 19:03
Created: 2012-01-28 18:16