Well, here we were again at my #1 hate venue in Copenhagen, the hippie commie paradise called "Loppen". When Amyl and The Sniffers drop by, and you get yourself a ticket for a gig at this small venue (they sold out in less than an hour), you better swallow a bit of your hate and show up. I did.
The support band C.O.F.F.I.N. was LÖUD!!! I bet they thought, if we play it loud enough, they won't notice that we suck. Ouch, we did. They sucked. If you want to play as loud as Motörhead, you need to be able to play fucking great as well.
Amyl and The Sniffers did great, especially given the ridiculous shit they had to work with:
- A crowded Loppen makes it impossible for people further back than row 5 to see anything on stage.
- Loppen starts their live concerts VERY late. It meant that Amyl played a set that was about 5 songs shorter than elsewhere in Europe. Amyl's gig began at 22:40 and lasted about an hour.
Amyl rocked as fuck though. Amy even did a dance with some dude from the crowd and she dropped her mic on stage, only to have some girl from the crowd fill in the vocals until she got her mic back. Amy was on fire and kept babbling her helium voice Aussie shit, that nobody really understands, but it is really charming and kicks ass.
Amy's 3 bandmembers are getting tighter than fuck. They play their simple songs really well and are getting better and better tour by tour.
The sound was near perfect at this gig. While the support band sounded rather shitty, Amyl sounded really great. So even if a lot of people couldn't see shit, at least they could hear a great band hammering it home. Just too bad that the venue sucks more than any venue has ever sucked before.
So, how long does it take to collect your jacket from the cloakroom after a gig at Loppen? Correct answer is: no less than an hour. FUCK this place.
- The Setlist is from my personal notes during the gig. I believe it to be accurate.
Band: Amyl and The Sniffers
Venue: Loppen, Copenhagen, DK
Concert Date: 2022-11-10
Support Band: C.O.F.F.I.N.
- Freaks to the Front
- Control
- Got You
- Gacked on Anger
- Maggot
- Choices
- Capital
- Security
- Westgate
- Balaclava Lover Boogie
- Don't Need a Cunt (Like You to Love Me)
- Shake You
- Guided by Angels
- Knifey
- Some Mutts (Can't Be Muzzled)
- Hertz
Ticket Price (DKK): 190
Ticket Provider: Tikkio
Content Type: Concert Review
Updated: 2022-11-11 02:22
Created: 2022-10-10 20:30