Jesper's solo debut won't blow you away, but on the other hand it won't scare you away either. He is the voice of Disneyland After Dark, and that unique voice and sound is still a major part of this album. The other D-A-Dsters have been replaced by Søren Andersen, Hede, Borre, Rønlow, who all do a fine job on the album. Live they are a lot more anonymous, except for Søren.
Some of the songs on this album actually sound a lot like D-A-D songs. What is different though is that the lyrics are a bit more serious than just fun and games, though a minor problem is that the musical fuel kind of runs dry halfway thru the album, until it's found again near the end. Same thing could be said for the live concert at Loppen (2017-11-02) consisting entirely of songs from this new album. Strong beginning, rather slow middle, great finale. This album is simply not strong enough to base a full gig upon it. The gig would have benefited from a few extra tracks added, be it D-A-D or a few more covers.
It's a pretty good record and a great debut though. It just never really manages to separate itself from the past. It could have been a lot more hardcore or otherwise different, and way less of that easily digestible "Familien Danmark" rock, that it actually is. Let it be known, I'll take D-A-D over Volbeat any day, but Jesper and his new boys could at least have tried to kick a lot harder. Sometimes a military boot in the nuts wake people up and make them listen.
The funny thing is, that my favorite song is probably the Savage Rose cover "Wild Thing". It is a really great and heartfelt cover they did here, even though I don't give a flying fuck about the hippies Savage Rose in general.
The LP came on orange vinyl and I got it autographed by Jesper and Søren at Loppen. It doesn't include a digital download, no thanks at all to Warner "greedy" Bros. At least the merch dudes were great sellers, thanks guys!
Band: Jesper Binzer
Record Title: Dying is Easy
This Release: 2017
Record Format: LP
Record Label: Warner Music Group
Content Type: Record Review
Updated: 2017-11-10 23:03
Created: 2017-11-10 22:41