If you loved the first Kick-Ass[2010] movie then you should run and see Deadpool, because Deadpool is almost as great. Or to quote Nomi from Showgirls [1995]: "It doesn't suck." Lots of brilliant action scenes and lots of the good old ultra violence. This is a super-hero movie where the hero is not a super-hero, and he certainly doesn't want to become one by joining the X-Men. It is also a love story, but not a pathetic one that makes you want to puke.
Deadpool [Ryan Reynolds] used to be a guy named Wade, until a rather alternative treatment for Le Cáncer turned his face and body into what it would look like if Freddy Krueger face-fucked a topographical map of Utah. He is now a self-healing killing-machine and the cut-off limbs and heads are flying in all general directions, when he pays a visit to the bad guys.
The humor is dark and hilarious. The movie takes a lot of piss on itself and it's characters. I'm somewhat tired of super-hero movies, but you can't be tired of this one. It is way too funny for that. I hope the already planned sequel will be just as funny as this one.
Hint: there's an extra scene after the end-credits.
Movie Title: Deadpool
Director: Tim Miller
This Release: 2016
Genre: Action
RunTime: 108
Actor: Ryan Reynolds
Movie Format: Cinema
Content Type: Movie Review
Updated: 2016-02-13 17:27
Created: 2016-02-11 20:18