There are 2 ways of approaching a David Bowie tribute.Sigue Sigue Sputnik did their own version of "Rebel Rebel" [1990], and they played it "live", and that was that. Then Mr. David Bowie made his own b-side version of the SSS song "Love Missile F1-11" in 2003.Martin Degville, as the sole survivor of the Sputniks - created a very nice Bowie EP "Sputnik vs. Bowie (Part I)" [2009] with the songs: Drive In Saturday, Gene Genie, Life On Mars, Rebel Rebel, Space Oddity, Suffragette City, Ziggy Ziggy SSStardust.The production could certainly have been better. Had it been, they would have been as good as the originals. Bowie with pure Sputnik sound. We are The Elite.VERSUSAmanda Palmer chose the boring way with "Strung Out In Heaven" [2016]. The songs were: Blackstar, Space Oddity, Ashes To Ashes, Heroes, Helden, Life On Mars.Amandas versions are either so boring or so fucked, that you gotta ask yourself, shouldn't this woman be at home breastfeeding her kid, instead of making really bad cover versions of David Bowie songs? Yes, she probably should. Seriously, it is almost as depressing to listen to as it is to listen to the last Bowie album.If you want a really cool Bowie inspired song "Major Tom", then listen to this: Peter Schilling caught it perfectlyMkay. To sum it up. Baby-mama Amanda fucked it up real bad, and Sputnik2 aka Ser Degville made a brilliant EP that mixed everything cool about Bowie with everything Sputnik. And Peter Schilling was pretty cool.THE WINNER: Sigue Sigue Sputnik
Content Type: Music Comment
Updated: 2016-02-06 04:55
Created: 2016-02-06 04:14