The new album is mostly a compilation of songs we've known for a while and even a remix or two from "Art Official Age" [2014].
There are songs that I'd call fillers, "Million $ Show" has been used as a live gig intro, and "Shut This Down" is basically some electro crap.
There's the absolutely horribly annoying shit song "Ain't About To Stop (feat. Rita Ora)" that I can't even listen to. Some people seem to love "X's Face", but I kinda hate that one too, and I find it totally annoying. "Lick A Mack (feat. Curly Fryz)" starts off pretty nicely, but then they start to rap and I'm out.
There's what you could call the AOA remixes "This Could B Us" and "Mr. Nelson". The first one is from AOA and has been improved a lot with a really great guitar. "Mr. Nelson" is basically just another filler using samples from AOA.
"FallInLove2Nite" is a bit of a cheesy pop song. It's been around for a while as a single and many people seem to hate it. I must like it cheesy then, because I think it's a great pop tune, and I never understood why it didn't make it on to the AOA album.
"HardRockLover" is a brilliant song that was released for free on SoundCloud a while ago. The guitar is a killer on this one and there's a heavy funk bass. "1000 X's & 0's" was originally known as "A 1,000 Hugs And Kisses" in 1992 and has been reworked here. It's a lovely tune. The last song on the album "June" is a nice slow one.
A reason to buy this new album could be to compile a better version of AOA. Remove some of the weaker material from AOA, and add the best songs from this new album, and you've got yourself a fine pop album. Just a shame Prince didn't do that from the beginning.
If you want the best album that Prince has released in recent years, just buy "PlectrumElectrum" [2014]. It's way better on all levels from rock to funk and with no fillers or weak Joshua Welton produced crap on it. I really think he should get rid of this kid, because I don't like his weak shit. Prince does everything better by himself, so why use this kid to mess it all up afterwards? That's my advice Prince, take it or leave it.
The album has only been available as streaming so far, but it will be out next week on CD for those who hate streaming, like I do.
Band: Prince
Record Title: HITNRUN Phase One
This Release: 2015
Record Format: Download
Record Label: NPG
Content Type: Record Review
Updated: 2015-09-11 23:56
Created: 2015-09-11 23:37