The Cure has planned to release a new single on the 13th of every month until September where they will release their new and 13th album (depending a lot on how and what you count).
The third single "Sleep When I'm Dead" is a great song. Almost as great as "Freakshow" before it. It is totally catchy and you'll find yourself singing along to the chorus after somewhere between 6 and 666+ repeated plays. The flip-side "Down Under" isn't bad either. Not as catchy as the a-side but very Cureish in a b-side kinda way.
"I'll sleep when I'm dead, I said..."
If you can tell anything from 3 singles then we've got 2 very cool songs("FreakShow", "Sleep When I'm Dead") and one throw-away("The Only One"). I actually dare to dream that the new The Cure album will be very cool indeed. Something that hasn't happened for many many years. In fact the last quality The Cure album dates as long back as 1992 some 16 years ago. Hope they'll break the spell with this new one.
Single #4? Hit me!
Band: The Cure
Record Title: Sleep When I'm Dead (mix 13)
This Release: 2008
Record Format: Single
Record Label: Geffen
Content Type: Record Review
Updated: 2008-07-19 12:45
Created: 2008-07-18 19:41