Jason Ringenberg made a visit to Copenhagen's Loppen venue. Even though there are many true stories about my hate for this venue, I obviously had to go there to support Jason.
I arrived early, which turned out to be wise for two reasons. It was a seated concert, and then I could secure myself a chair, and also I had a nice little chat with Jason at the merch stand. Jason remembered me, so I must have acted mental enough to be remembered, most likely at some of the London gigs I've been to. He had no t-shirts that would fit me, so I settled for 2 Farmer Jason CDs, the only albums I didn't already have in my collection.
Tonight was a double bill with Dan Stuart playing for the first hour. I had no idea who Dan was, but after this gig, I know he is a left-wing musician, who hated Ronald Reagan and that he likes to talk... a lot. Unfortunately I didn't find his stories entertaining, so it felt like a rather long hour. His songs were pretty slow, but it sounded okay and he has a good singing voice. Dan decided to read something from a book he'd written. A story about golf that was quite boring. Zzzzzzz. Thank Satan for Gin and Tonic to pass the time.
After a short break for maybe 10 minutes, Jason Ringenberg was ready to entertain and rock. I've seen Jason solo before in both Malmö and London and it was nice to see him in Copenhagen too. He is a born entertainer with a guitar and a microphone. Solo he delivers a mix of his own songs, Jason and The Scorchers tunes, and even the occasional Farmer Jason song. He dances around and brings a lot of life to the show. A show with Jason is never boring. His voice was a bit strained at times, but it was all good.
Jason also likes to talk a lot, but unlike Dan Stuart's boring stories, Jason is actually very entertaining when he talks. He gave a VERY long intro to the song "I Rode With Crazy Horse" for more than 10 minutes. Jason is clearly very engaged in this great Indian Lakota(Sioux) warrior. It is also the best song from his newest album "Rhinestoned" [2021], so it was nice to hear this introduction.
During my talk with Jason at the merch stand, I had managed to squeeze in a request for "One Foot In The Honky Tonk". I had no idea if he'd actually be able to remember it and play it live. He surely did remember it and it was really great to hear this old gem live. He joked that only 5 people had bought his first album when it came out. I am glad to be one of them.
Another song that got a long intro was Jason's song "God Bless the Ramones" from "Stand Tall" [2019]. It was fun to hear about Jason and The Scorchers opening as support for The Ramones in Texas a long time ago. It's not always easy being an unknown support band, especially not if the crowd throws garbage at you.
We had fun singing along to the Farmer Jason song "The Tractor Goes Chug Chug Chug", Jason shouted: "John", the crowd shouted: "Deere!"
We got 5 Jason and The Scorchers songs or even 6, if you count the encore "Absolutely Sweet Marie" that is really a Bob Dylan song, but it is so much better in JATS's rocking version.
On a last note, I asked Jason if The Scorchers were truly dead, and he confirmed this. I have asked Warner E. Hodges the same question and his answer was the same. It is safe to conclude that Jason and The Scorchers are no more. It's sad but nothing lasts forever.
Thank you for entertaining us tonight, Jason Ringenberg. It doesn't always have to suck being at Loppen. I think Jason played for about 75 minutes.
Band: Jason Ringenberg
Venue: Loppen, Copenhagen, DK
Concert Date: 2023-09-19
Support Band: Dan Stewart
- Honky Tonk Maniac From Mars
- Rebel Flag in Germany
- Shop It Around [JATS]
- I Rode With Crazy Horse
- Harvest Moon [JATS]
- White Lies [JATS]
- One Foot In The Honky Tonk
- Still Tied [JATS]
- The Tractor Goes Chug Chug Chug [Farmer Jason]
- Broken Whiskey Glass [JATS]
- God Bless the Ramones
- Absolutely Sweet Marie [Bob Dylan]
Ticket Price (DKK): 189
Ticket Provider: Tikkio
Content Type: Concert Review
Updated: 2023-09-20 01:56
Created: 2023-03-21 20:57